Thursday, January 15, 2009

Getting to Giant 100 is a Wonderful Milestone

I am so excited to have reached the milestone of Giant Squid 100 Club. The picture you see here is the T-shirt I got when I reached Giant Squid.

Becoming a Giant Squid is a process and a journey. It is a terrific accomplishment and a lot of hard work. I do want to encourage everyone to go for it. It is definitely worth your time and effort.

What have I learned along the way?

Well, frankly quite a lot, and I am still learning. I came aboard Squidoo as a total novice. I did not know much about SEO, nor did I know much about promoting on the internet. I knew nothing about keywords, and absolutely nothing about
Squidoo. So don't think that you need to know a lot to get started. I would recommend just getting started.

For a new person, here are some suggestions:
  • Use the information on Squidoo to help you. There are great how-to lenses and terrific mentors everywhere.
  • Don't be afraid to try something new!
  • Do you see a lens or technique you like? Try it on your own lens.
  • Take baby steps. Each lens will make you a better lensmaster.
  • Remember you can always go back and edit.
  • Don't get too hung up on LensRank. It changes daily.
  • Choose topics you love and let us know why.
  • Don't take critiques personally. Learn from them.
  • Have fun with it.
  • Keep your lens focuses on a very specific topic and you will find that you have the best kind of lens.
When I started, 100 lenses seemed very, very far away. But when you keep putting in the time writing one every few days or one every week or two weeks, they add up pretty fast. Before you know it, you will be a Giant Squid too.


  1. Wow - Paula! You've been an inspiration to me for a long time. I'm looking forward to more of your generous sharing. :)

  2. Congratulations Paula, you are right, it must be a lot of work to get there.

    I'm tring and putting hours and hours in.

    I enjoyed reading your blog.
